Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China: July 16th, 2023
I spent the day traipsing around Chaoyang Park, Solana, and Sanlitun. Originally, the intent was to attend a local football match. Beijing Guoan was taking on Wuhan Three Towns in a Chinese Super League matchup. But, I left it late and was unable to find a ticket to the sold-out match. Instead, I spent the evening taking in the sights and sounds around the stadium. The pictures are from my iPhone. There were some minor edits to most photographs, mainly cropping and scaling each to a 4:3 ratio.
You can read about the day I took these pictures here.
Boats boatin' on Lotus Lake in Chaoyang Park.
A beautiful vista out across Lotus Lake.
Some folks out on the water.
Folks out on the water enjoying one of the first bearable days all summer.
Lotuses and fountains, both provide a calming salve.
Another fountain in Chaoyang Park.
A lone wanderer, not lost, but searching for something perfect at Solana Mall.
Again with this Miami or Beijing business...
Solana Mall's central walk way. A place to see and be seen.
Beijing Guoan fan scoots to the match.
Fans milling about, headed in the direction of the stadium.
Fans along the western side of the Beijing Workers Stadium, heading in early.
The walk to the stadium.
I quickly took this one, as I felt the bridge start to wobble a bit as traffic passed underneath.
The north entrance to the ground.
Eastbound traffic, headed further downtown.
Soho Mall.
Soho Mall.
Soho Mall.
Soho Mall.
Outside of Tai Koo Li Mall's southeast entrance, some special effects used.
The original angle minus all the fun stuff.
Night time saw Tai Koo Li's foot traffic pick up a bit. This crow is a bit younger than Solana.
Some more special effects.
Bikes galore, night time crowds need a way home.
My favorite busy intersection so far. Always good for a few pics.