Beijing Guoan and a Language School, Beijing, China: July 22nd, 2023
The collection of photos in this gallery were shot over the course of several days through the week of July 22nd, 2023. I visited a language school where I decided to take some Mandarin courses once things settle a bit more. Mainly once our daughter starts daycare full-time. And the soccer pictures are from the Beijing Guoan match against Qingdao Hainiu. The local squad won the match two-nil. The pictures are from my iPhone. There were some minor edits to most photographs, mainly cropping and scaling each to a 4:3 ratio.

Opposing fans from Qingdao given a wide berth. Won't see that in many places.

Early in the match

Leg room. Beaver Stadium could learn a thing or two.

It wouldn't be a workers' stadium without a statue honor the workers.

Scran. Maybe. But for 30 yuan, $4.15, it was worth it.

Beijing Guoan's Curva Nord Ultras

Warm ups

Catching the Chinese Women's World Cup match

Walking up to the stadium

A selfie

Great Leap Brewing has a location near the langauge school I'm going to attend

A back alley

The Language School

Traffic along the street near the language school

Bikes and scooters, everywhere