White River Valley, Miyun, Beijing, China: July 29th, 2023
The photos in this collection were shot during a hike through the White River Valley in Miyun, a district in Beijing, the Chinese capital. The hike was organized by a local organization, Beijing Hikers. The pictures are from my iPhone and Fujifilm X-T200 digital mirrorless camera. There were some minor edits to most photographs, mainly cropping and scaling most photos to a 4:3 ratio.
Somebody built a wall in the 1580's. It's still standing. Pretty good engineering, if you ask me.
The trailhead.
Pretty cool erosion effects here.
Steps and cliffs part 1
Steps and cliffs part 2
Down in the gorge
Down the trail with mountains in the background.
Someone suggested we ask these folks if we could join their BBQ.
A fast moving creek
More moving water
iPhone or Digital Camera
iPhone or Digital Camera
Down into the valley
We crossed this river. No Oxen lost to the current.
Big Boss Man and Akeem. Yeah, I'm that old.
A big rock in the middle of the trail. It's probably underwater now. So much rain in the last 24 hours.
A look back where we came from...
Another wet portion of the trek.
Mountains in the distance
Looking back down the river.
The mountains in the background felt like they were jumping out at us.
These were less aggressive.
The river winds through a narrow valley.
Looking down into the valley.
Back where we came from, a view from the picnic grounds and 'private pool'.
A view over the pool.
I only noticed this afterwards, but this rock looks like the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Peaks peer over the grass.
The river down below.
Easter Island or Miyun?
Cliffside as we get toward the end of our hike.
More cliffs
The view behind us, storm clouds rolling in.
Gotta cross that bridge to get home.
Back into the park.
Storm clouds rollin in.